Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Serious Business.

Most runners will say that you are not really a runner until you have to take a shit on a run. Usually I'm pretty good, of course I have bad days but it happens. Workouts especially I tend to hold things together, but today was a different story entirely. I shit a total of 7 times so far today and 4 of them came on my run.

AM: 4 miles easy.. I felt alright just a little tired during this run.

PM: 2 mile warmup. The workout was a 1500 on the cowpath hard - roughly a 4k on the flats, staying steady and settling into a pace - and another 1500 on the cowpath. It was an alright workout I went 4:50 for the first 1500, then on the 4k I had to stop to go to the bathroom so it really threw me off. That ended up being 13:40 and I just couldn't get into it after that. The last 1500 was 5:09 and I thought I was going to shit myself again. But I'll take it for what it was. 3 mile cooldown.

Daily Mileage: 14

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