Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I'm going to give this a try.

After trying a bunch of different ways to keep a running log, and hating just about all of them I am reverting back to blogging. I tried this over the summer and just sort of gave up. But I'm going to try again.

Over the past few months I have been training very hard and things have been going well.. I just had my first outdoor track meet in almost 6 years and ran 16:59 for 5k or that's what I saw when I crossed the line, I think officially it was 17:00 - but in any sense it was a huge PR, although I'm not very happy with the time. It was windy as all shit out and I forgot my flats so I had to run in trainers, but all excuses aside I need to get tougher.

During March I ran 298 miles in 31 days with one day off and overall I've been going for a while now without a day off. Over the next few weeks I'll be putting in a shit load of miles getting ready for 5k and 10k on the track then cutting back and just running hard until the beginning of the summer, when I'll start training for the half-marathon.

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